香格纳上海|韩梦云谈斯皮瓦克(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)


摄影:凌卫政,图片来源:艺术家韩梦云及香格纳画廊 ©韩梦云




交叉性以及帝国主义的历史遗留是她实践中另一种反复出现的重要修辞。通过她身为女性下庶群体一员的自身体验,以及在争取可见性、争取塑造行星文化话语的平等机会中关于他异性“团结”高原效应的新兴概念,她调介着个体与集体的关系。韩梦云受《ArtAsiaPacific》委托撰文,其英文原文《One on One: Han Mengyun on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak》(韩梦云谈斯皮瓦克)发表第134刊。其中艺术家谈印度文学理论家以及批评家斯皮瓦克关于属下身份、第三世界女性创作者的困境以及翻译的不可能性等议题,以回应影响其创作概念和艺术实践的多元思考。



















对我而言,绘画也是语言。每种绘画传统都与令其构成符号和特殊性的文化背景和语言密切相关。在欧洲和战后美国现代主义传统的长期主导下,架上油画已经成为了人们想到绘画的直接反应——但「画」、「نگارگری ایرانی 」、「चित्र」 以及更多,与它们各自相映的认知论,又是什么呢?当其多元性被同质化时,我们这个已经全球化的艺术世界只会说更少的语言。在双重束缚中的另一面,女性也总是被画和为之而画。









注:本文选自原载于《ArtAsiaPacific》7/8月第134刊的英文原文《One on One: Han Mengyun on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak》(韩梦云谈斯皮瓦克)。有关艺术家写作实践的详情可于其个人写作网站上查阅:www.limitedviews.org



Han Mengyun’s practice aims to address the decolonisation of the phenomena of Eurasian transcultural hybridisations that occurred across vast landscapes of time and space from the dominative mediation of the Western conceptual gaze. She was initially trained in the Western tradition of oil painting but diverted from the singular viewpoint of art production towards the complexity of historical ties in the profoundly intercultural context of the continent’s history and present.


The subjects of intersectionality and the legacies of imperialism are another significant recurring trope in her practice. Weaving the personal and collective experiences of the female subaltern into an alternative space of solidarity, she engages with the struggle for visibility of the subaltern and for their equal access in shaping planetary cultural discourse. Commissioned by ArtAsiaPacific this year for Issue 134, Han Mengyun discusses the Indian literary theorist and critic Gayatri Spivak’s influence on her artistic practice and her feminist awakening enabled by Spivak’s seminal essay “Can the Subaltern Speak?”, as well as contemplation on the subaltern struggle, third world female artists in a creative double bind and the impossibility of translation, in article “One on One: Han Mengyun on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.”


Han Mengyun on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak


Author: Han Mengyun


To trace the history of repression and reveal the mechanisms of power that silence the subaltern woman in “Can the Subaltern Speak?” (1988), comparative literature scholar Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak drew on the example of the English abolition and criminalization in 1829 of sati, the Hindu rite of self-immolation of a widow upon her deceased husband’s funeral pyre. Using Derridean deconstruction, Spivak identifies two lies in the absence of the woman’s voice-consciousness: “White men are saving brown women from brown men” by the British as imperial rhetoric of subjugation; and “The women actually wanted to die” by the Indian nativists, for whom sati was an important proof of their allegiance to tradition as a reactionary ideology and of a nostalgia for lost origins. In Spivak’s words: “Between patriarchy and imperialism . . . the figure of the woman disappears, not into a pristine nothingness, but into a violent shuttling which is the displaced figuration of the ‘third-world woman’ caught between tradition and modernization.”



Gazing into the abyss where subaltern women dwell, I saw darkness and silence in their utmost clarity. A moment of searing awakening, akin to the clinical experience of diagnosis, of symptoms long felt, neglected, and endured, but never acknowledged, for they have no record in history. The father and the alien tongues that I speak yet do not speak me; I question the possibility of belonging. Any attempt to utter ends up in a violent shuttle into the unnamable gaps of languages, places, and bodies. The illness of absence is terminal—the subaltern cannot speak.


I do not wish to claim subalternity in my position as a Third World intellectual woman with access to cultural mobility. But the understanding of the Third World female subaltern’s predicament and women’s perennial absence in cultural discourse, via the theoretical tools provided by Spivak, proved incredibly helpful to interrogate the mechanisms and problematics of (self-)representation in the complicity with patriarchy, colonialism, imperialism, and globalization, which construct the interior voice(s) spoken by the other(s) in me. This awareness is ever more critical in thinking about the ways in which I must honor my agency to speak, as a female artist from China participating in the global art arena, without falling prey to the violence of representation and to the sweetness of self-orientalization. But self-preservation is not enough and “women must tell each other’s stories.”



Spivak’s politics of translation, rooted in her concern with subaltern women, is the foundation of the politics of my current visual practice. Spivak claims that “translation is necessary but impossible.” That insuperable difference of existence between languages is what I experienced deeply growing up during the economic reform in China. While my multilingual education enriched me with understanding of the diversity of world cultures, it has also built a Tower of Babel that fissures me. My gendered experience further compounds the difficulty beyond literality. This schizophrenic existence fragmented by multilingual cacophony and silenced womanhood is the basis of my understanding of that impossibility. Ultimately, to translate means to construct the Other in a world that does not recognize her. To assume such possibility is to violently deny the Other’s difference, which is exactly what makes translation impossible but also necessary, as monolingualism and Westernization expand globally.




To me, painting is also language. Each painting tradition is intimately connected to the culture and language that forge its specificity and semiosis. Under the continuing dominance of the European and postwar American modernist tradition, when one thinks of painting today, “oil-on-canvas” comes to mind. But what about 畫, نگارگری ایرانی , चित्र, and beyond, along with their respective episteme? Our globalized art world speaks less languages as multiplicity is homogenized. On the other side of the double bind, women have always been painted and painted for.


Despite, and because of, the impossibility of translation to make a just world and to instate the parity of cultures, we must translate. For the subaltern women who are double subjugated into disappearance, women—for themselves and for other women—must make their own image, with the awareness of the risk of the double bind and violent transcoding. The activism in my art practice is to recognize the difference between cultures, to retrieve and repair lost and damaged episteme by learning languages, and to supplement where women and their individual differences are made absent and silent. “The task of the translator,” says Spivak, “is to facilitate this love between the original and its shadow, a love that permits fraying.” I find this love extraordinarily moving for it embraces fraying as a result of inevitable conflict between difference. By transgressing all borders, my task as a feminist translator-artist is to foster this kind of love, to build a Tower of Babel as a lighthouse of global diversity to be the echo of the subaltern, and to welcome women to enjoy the wealth of world languages and images as their own legacy.







韩梦云《五卷书:太初之时, 梦, 书,月的礼赞,欲望》,2023,五屏彩色、无声、循环播放影像装置,艺术家定制不锈钢书立,印度 Khadi 手工纸


Note: One on One: Han Mengyun on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak was originally published by ArtAsiaPacific in Jul/Aug Issue 134. For more information about the artist’s writing practice, please visit Han Mengyun’s writing website: www.limitedviews.org





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