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Wei Minghui's creations stem from continuous observation and documentation of "reality." He captures fleeting "feelings" to create unexpected twists, much like a "farce in progress."


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei


Visually, his works exhibit a sense of absurd surrealism by placing humans and animals, furniture and nude bodies within the same frame. By combining chaotic elements and setting unconventional lighting, he subverts our inherent expectations of "normal" life, resulting in a reasonable chaos and grotesqueness.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei


His works perhaps merely uncover the inherent absurdity of reality itself.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei


Absurdity is not just an artistic expression, but rather a tool. By surrealistically reshaping daily phenomena, he challenges the public's preconceived notions of reality, seeking a space to breathe.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei


The characters in his paintings exhibit strange, unstructured distortions, adding a touch of eeriness to the absurdity, as if it could truly happen. The ambiguous figures, like unidentified people, indeterminate dog breeds, and general representations of cats, combine in a way that leaves viewers speechless and immersed in exploration.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei


The titles of his works are filled with metaphors, providing a defined context to the absurd scenes, making the ridiculous seem almost reasonable.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei




Q: ‍What is the inspiration behind the "Farce in Progress" exhibition? Can you describe the development process of the concept of "Farce in Progress"?

A: Firstly, the concept of "in progress" is closely related to my initial creative philosophy. I want to document everything in the present moment, as I believe that even ideologies count as a form of "reality." Many of the things I create stem from life experiences and are unconsciously formed through mental processing, which might be connected to my habit of daydreaming. I think it's crucial to feel the "sensation" that the present brings to you. Therefore, my work is about recording this sensation. As for the "farce", I see it as a way to materialize the absurd, similar to my works, which, although seemingly familiar, could unfold like a farce at any moment.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei



Q: How do you think this exhibition challenges or extends your previous works?

A: My work has always been continuously updated on the foundation of my initial concepts, which is something I've always strived to do. Compared to my earlier works, I feel that there are some changes in technique and form. Firstly, the form has become less ceremonious, contrasting with my earlier, highly conceptual works. Secondly, in terms of technique, I've tried to reduce the flatness as much as possible. Although I initially didn't want my work to look flat, it often ended up that way. I've added more brushstrokes and made changes to the edges, among other things. The use of colors has also shifted away from earth tones, exploring more possibilities.

11.jpgInstallation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui Wei



Q: Are there any works in this exhibition that you consider particularly important?

A: I think all my works are quite important. This exhibition serves as a summary of two stages of my creative journey.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui We



Q: Which feedback from past exhibitions has influenced you the most?

A: The most frequently asked question is that many people feel my work lacks "localization" because there are relatively few Asian faces in my works. I'm actually very interested in different cultures, and I care a lot about "sensation." For me, Western faces and Eastern faces evoke different feelings. We Asians are very reserved, which is related to our culture. If my work featured Asian faces, it might convey a different feeling. I personally love American humor, so perhaps I paint more Western faces. However, it's not just that; people might think I only paint Westerners. In fact, I've also painted many Asians, Africans, and sometimes people whose origins even I don't know… borderless people. The characters in my paintings are imagined, and many are created without references, forming unconsciously. I see them as mere symbols.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui We



Q: How do you handle personal and social themes in your art creation?

A: I only paint what I want to paint. Society is a broad subject, and I try to reflect the larger picture through smaller, personal perspectives.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui We



Q: Which artists or works have had the greatest impact on you?

A: Magritte, I suppose. I feel that I share a similar experience with him, so I can resonate with his works. I also really like the color grey, and I enjoy the color schemes in Colville's works. Additionally, I admire Hammershøi, Wyeth, and others.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui We



Q: In your artistic practice, are there any techniques or methods you particularly favor? Or which aspects of your creative methodology do you find most enjoyable?

A: I like painting nudes on textured surfaces.


Installation View, Artworks © 卫明辉 Minghui We



Q: How do you view the relationship between innovation and tradition in the process of artistic creation and exhibition?

A: I consider myself someone who doesn't blindly pursue innovation, even though I'm a 00s generation artist. I've observed that many new-generation artists are too eager to innovate, creating things that seem interesting on the surface but are fundamentally continuations of existing concepts. Most of them are just experimenting without much impact; they may look fun but don't leave a lasting impression. However, some are indeed impressive. Personally, I just want to paint things that interest me. I don't want to force myself to innovate. If I'm interested, I'll do it; if not, no matter how avant-garde it is, I won't pursue it. If I have good inspiration in the future and I'm genuinely interested, I'll present it without hesitation.


展览现场, 它在试图打破那个水杯, OUTSIDER, 2023 Photo credit@OUTSIDER


展览现场, 梦之飞鸟, 当代唐人艺术中心, 2023 ©当代唐人艺术中心



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