

欣逢张云垚个展“皮肤 手势 语言”将于本月29日开幕,东画廊特此采用一个全新视角回顾艺术家的毛毡绘画/素描作品。组成展览题目的三个词——皮肤、手势及语言——是相互关联的文本要素,形成一个图词辩证的观念体系,意图解码艺术家长期毛毡实验及其特殊的表意过程。










On the occasion of the advent of ZHANG Yunyao’s solo exhibition “Skin Gesture Body” on July 29, Don Gallery looks back to the artist’s felt drawing in a new retrospective. The three words that constitute the title of the exhibition – skin, gesture, and body – are the interrelated textual elements devised as a conceptual triad, a dialectic between words and images, to decode the specificity of the signifying process in his long term experiment on felt.


Skin is the mimetic object posited by the artist to stage the altered perceptual status of the material. Defined as a manner of cultivation, gesture thus adheres to the notion of imitation that intervenes the productive body. Such a literati tradition appears to be an invisible hand moderating different historical tasks and rituals which pierce the skin, and meanwhile mark, train, torture, force the body.


To make clear his deconstructive attitude that converge the strong and precise actions into the felt, the artist incarnates the experience of being embodied by foregrounding the social nature of the body and the bodily nature of social relationships in the modern context.


Garments including coats, shirts and dresses are depicted as being scored on a wearer, while the responsible individual is absent and the garment is suspended in the void. As the selected garments are organically linked with particular classes and genders in a given hierarchy, it is a conciliatory gesture to be performed by the viewer, unwittingly connecting him/herself with the living environment and embracing its ideological framework. The unfolding condition of self-reflexivity features something tangible in the experience.


It so happens that the artist is especially intrigued by the image of chandelier. It seems to be swinging in the space it temporarily occupies, yet expands upon the tranquil ambience introducing an exaggerated sense of the bodily presence of human beings, which is exactly what the artist wants the viewer to engage. The grandiose chandelier symbolizes the end of a certain era and the futility of desire in the face of a great social cause.



Blue Navel 蓝色肚脐, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Pigment on felt 色粉毛毡, 60 × 60 cm



Blue Wound 蓝色伤口, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Pigment on felt 色粉毛毡, 88.5 × 80.5 cm



Double-breasted Suit 双排扣, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 102 × 70 cm



Shirt 衬衣, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Pencil on felt 铅笔毛毡, 59 × 44 cm



Leather 皮衣, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 86 × 75 cm



Overcoat 大衣, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 86 × 75 cm



Portrait 肖像, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 102 × 70 cm



Portrait 2 肖像 2, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 100 × 80 cm



The Contour 1 轮廓 1, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 160 × 98 cm



The Contour 2 轮廓 2, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 160 × 98 cm



The Contour 3 轮廓 3, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 160 × 98 cm



The Back 背影, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 71 × 100 cm



The Back 融入背景的人, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 70 × 100 cm



Two Shadows 两个背影, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 30 × 28 cm



Melancholic 低落, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 116.5 × 112.5 cm



Enclosed 幽闭, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 200 × 135 cm



Prudence 审慎, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 200 × 135 cm



Fate 命运, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2016. Pigment on felt 色粉毛毡, 163 × 200 cm





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