

欣逢张云垚个展“皮肤 手势 语言”将于本月29日开幕,东画廊特此采用一个全新视角回顾艺术家的毛毡绘画/素描作品。组成展览题目的三个词——皮肤、手势及语言——是相互关联的文本要素,形成一个图词辩证的观念体系,意图解码艺术家长期毛毡实验及其特殊的表意过程。







Study in Figures 形体习作, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 305 × 230 cm


On the occasion of the advent of ZHANG Yunyao’s solo exhibition “Skin Gesture Body” on July 29, Don Gallery looks back to the artist’s felt drawing in a new retrospective. The three words that constitute the title of the exhibition – skin, gesture, and body – are the interrelated textual elements devised as a conceptual triad, a dialectic between words and images, to decode the specificity of the signifying process in his long term experiment on felt.


Skin is the mimetic object posited by the artist to stage the altered perceptual status of the material. Defined as a manner of cultivation, gesture thus adheres to the notion of imitation that intervenes the productive body. Whereas body is the location occupied by an individual in physical space, it provides a place for the interplay between self-identifications and social relationships; more importantly, body situates itself as a site for the construction of sentimental noumenon. By fabricating highly stylized poses, the artist is showing an advanced understanding of anatomy, among which the body is disciplined by pleasure and thus becomes politicized. The sculptural appearance of felt is concreted by the powerful evocation of the mortal flesh, which ends the ignorance and suppression on body.


In Study in Figures (the image used for the poster of the exhibition), the artist combines The Rape of the Sabine Women (1574-1582) and Hercules and the Centaur Nessus (1599) by the Flemish sculptor Giambologna (1529-1608) in late Renaissance. The former depicted three intertwined figures – one man abducting the women and the beaten husband looking on in horror. The later characterized Hercules under the taut skin beating the veined legs of the centaur Nessus, poised in battle, who attempted to force himself upon Deianeira, the wife of Heracles. The two complex groups of figures move upwards together in elongated proportions in the felt drawing, showing a range of emotions. The pain got in fights and combats is a pathway for an individual to encounter his/her complete self coined with clear boundaries.



The First Mourning 第一次哀悼, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 186 × 230 cm



Back 背, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite on Felt 石墨毛毡, 40 × 29.8 cm



Hand and Back 手和背影, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite on Felt 石墨毛毡, 100 × 80 cm



Granule 颗粒, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 257 × 220 cm



Dionysus 酒神, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 38.3 × 33 cm



Blue Jaw 蓝色下颚, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Pigment on felt 色粉毛毡, 43 × 30 cm



Emotion 情绪, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2016. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 63 × 48 cm



Trace 痕迹, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2016. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 267 × 200 cm



M and A M和A, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2016. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 105 × 104 cm



Standing Figure 站立的形体, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 220 × 163 cm



Two Figures 两个形体, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 220 × 163 cm



Study in Figures 2 形体习作 2, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 300 × 225 cm



Study in Figures 3 形体习作 3, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 300 × 225 cm



A, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 35 × 42 cm



A, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 53 × 42 cm



Nirvana 出离, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 65 × 61 cm



Study in the Head 头部习作, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 119 × 143 cm



Study in the Head 头部习作, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 119 × 143 cm



Study in Three Heads 三个头部的习作, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 65 × 61 cm



Study in Two Heads 两个头部的习作, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 42 × 35 cm



Two Moving Bodies 两个运动中的身体, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2017. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 265 × 260 cm





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