

欣逢张云垚个展“皮肤 手势 语言”将于本月29日开幕,东画廊特此采用一个全新视角回顾艺术家的毛毡绘画/素描作品。组成展览题目的三个词——皮肤、手势及语言——是相互关联的文本要素,形成一个图词辩证的观念体系,意图解码艺术家长期毛毡实验及其特殊的表意过程。










On the occasion of the advent of ZHANG Yunyao’s solo exhibition “Skin Gesture Body” on July 29, Don Gallery looks back to the artist’s felt drawing in a new retrospective. The three words that constitute the title of the exhibition – skin, gesture, and body – are the interrelated textual elements devised as a conceptual triad, a dialectic between words and images, to decode the specificity of the signifying process in his long term experiment on felt.


Skin is the mimetic object posited by the artist to stage the altered perceptual status of the material. By using the idea of skin as an entry point, the artist formulates a displaced subject on felt that encompasses the flow of lateral forces in image-making.


In the early phase of felt drawing, the artist occasionally qualifies the semiotic thrust of his narrative structure. He deliberately obscures the foundational distinction between the haptic and the optical dimensions of an image, taking his art-historical attempts to transform everything optical into varying intensities of tactility, which provides a contrast with the aesthetic transition from the haptic to the optical in the formalist terms.


Different textures of decorative textiles for domestic use, ranging from curtains and cushions to sofa covers and wall papers, fully occupy the frame, while the institution of framing is coined by the symbiotic relationship between the motif of image as a viewed object and the surface of image as a found object. Although the quality of such an image conveyed as the perception of a piece of cloth is rooted in the eyes of the viewer, it does not really appeal to the eyes but to the fingertips of the viewer, against the skin of felt.


It is hard to tell whether the textiles that he draws are made of felt in the first place or they just seem to be felt because the skin just prevents the existence of any other texture. By tracing out an sense of physical grasping, or to say, the idea of taking hold of things, the artist begins with an emphasis on the imagined touch which challenges the truth of images with the notion of skin interfacing with both objects and subjects. The inter-corporeal narrative at this point is precisely the bodily interactions permeating the frame.



A Piece of Cloth 一块布, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Pencil on felt 铅笔毛毡, 80 × 60 cm



Braided Pattern 被编织的图案, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 75.5 × 130 cm



Undulating Pattern 起伏的图案, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2013. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 114 × 83.5 cm



Penetrated 被穿透的图案, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Pencil on felt 铅笔毛毡, 80 × 124 cm



Silvery 银色, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Pencil on felt 铅笔毛毡, 200 × 135 cm



Undulation 起伏, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite on felt 石墨毛毡, 120 × 90 cm



A Piece of Flannelette (Classicism) 一块绒布(古典主义), ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 210 × 150 cm



A Piece of Flannelette (Classicism) – 2 一块绒布(古典主义)2, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 210 × 150 cm



A Piece of Flannelette (Classicism) – 3 一块绒布(古典主义)3, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite and charcoal on felt 石墨碳笔毛毡, 210 × 150 cm



A Pair of Sags 一对凹陷, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Charcoal on felt 碳笔毛毡, 30 × 38 cm



Blue Corner 蓝色角落, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Pigment on felt 色粉毛毡, 70 × 70 cm



Fold 褶皱, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Pigment on paper 色粉毛毡, 40 × 40 cm



Blue Light  蓝光, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 180 × 135 cm



Green Light 绿光, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 43 × 57 cm



Blue Reflection 蓝色反光, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2014. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 150 × 210 cm



A Portrait for White Light 为白光做的肖像, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 100 × 74 cm



Two Purple Pits 两个紫色的凹点, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2015. Graphite and pigment on felt 石墨色粉毛毡, 30 × 43 cm





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