


Introduction to the guide



推荐意见 (译文)





推荐意见 (译文)

1 基于危险分层的治疗建议

1.1 极低危原发性血小板增多症(ET)患者(年龄≤60岁,没有JAK2突变,也没有血栓史)和低危患者(年龄≤60岁,存在JAK2突变,没有血栓史),采用观察随诊策略,监测是否有新的血栓形成,血管性血友病,和/或大出血;81-100 mg/d的阿司匹林的剂量可减少血栓等血管症状的风险。


Fig.1 极低危、低危ET患者治疗路线

1.2 中危ET患者(年龄>60岁,没有JAK2突变,没有血栓史)监测是否有新的血栓形成,血管性血友病,和/或疾病相关的大出血;心血管相关的危险因素;81-100 mg/d的阿司匹林的剂量可减少血栓等血管症状的风险


Fig.2 中危ET患者治疗路线

1.3 高危ET患者(有血栓史的任何年龄患者,或者年龄>60岁并伴有JAK2基因突变的患者),除监测心血管事件、新发生的血栓和出血情况外应采取降细胞治疗。


Fig.3 高危ET患者治疗路

初始治疗患者的降细胞治疗药物包括羟基脲和阿那格雷联合81-100 mg/d的阿司匹林、干扰素α。

低剂量的阿司匹林在ET患者中治疗的安全性以及有效性仍然未在随机临床实验中得到评估,最近的一篇系统性综述也表明阿司匹林在ET患者的抗血小板治疗中的安全性与有效性仍然是高度不确定的。但是阿司匹林(81-100 mg/d)依然可以考虑在极低危、低危以及中危ET患者中使用,用以降低血栓等并发症的风险。




Very-low-risk (age ≤60 years without JAK2 mutation and no prior history of thrombosis) or Low-risk (age ≤60 years with JAK2 mutation and no prior history) or Intermediate-risk (age ˃60 years, no JAK2 mutation, and no prior history of thrombosis)

 As discussed above, the efficacy and safety of low-dose aspirin in patients with ET has not been evaluated in randomized clinical trials. The results of a recent systematic review also suggest that the risks and benefit of antiplatelet therapy in patients with ET remains highly uncertain. Observation is appropriate for patients with very-low-risk or low-risk ET.

 Aspirin (81–100 mg/d) could be considered to reduce the risk of thrombotic complications for patients with very-low-risk, low-risk, or intermediate-risk ET. Aspirin should be used with caution in patients with acquired VWD who have an increased risk of bleeding.

A report from a more recent retrospective analysis suggests that the use of low-dose aspirin may not be beneficial in patients with low-risk CALR-mutated ET. In an analysis that evaluated the benefit-to-risk ratio of low-dose aspirin in 433 patients with low-risk ET (271 patients with CALR mutation and 162 patients with a JAK2 V617F mutation) who were on antiplatelet therapy or observation, low-dose aspirin did not affect the risk of thrombosis but was associated with a higher incidence of bleeding in patients with CALR-mutated ET. These findings have to be confirmed in prospective clinical trials. Therefore, at present, the panel feels that there is not enough evidence to recommend withholding aspirin for patients with CALR-mutated ET.

 In carefully selected patients, twice-daily aspirin at a 100-mg dose has been found to be more effective than once-daily aspirin (100 mg), a finding that has yet to be confirmed in randomized controlled studies. The safety and efficacy of different aspirin dosing regimens in patients with ET is being evaluated in a phase II randomized trial. At the present time, the risk and benefits of higher dose aspirin must be weighed based on the presence of vasomotor symptoms and the risk of bleeding. It may be appropriate in carefully selected patients as clinically indicated. High-risk (History of thrombosis at any age or >60 years with JAK2 mutation) Cytoreductive therapy (hydroxyurea or anagrelide) with aspirin (81–100 mg/d) is recommended as initial treatment. Interferon alfa-2b, peginterferon alfa-2a, or peginterferon alfa-2b could be considered for younger patients, in pregnant patients requiring cytoreductive therapy, or in those patients requiring cytoreductive therapy that defer hydroxyurea.


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