Installation View, Artworks ©时索飞 Sophie Schagerl





Q: You have worked with the translation group (Versatorium) inVienna. Can you talk about how this identity as a translator hasinfluenced your creation?

A: Translating together with Versatorium in Vienna has taughtme a lot. lt taught me that any process of reading, answeringand misunderstanding is a process of translation. lt taughtme that translation is everywhere and not bound to the very limiting idea of converting one language into anotherare impossibilities in translation, and openings, that very muchreflect the impossibilities and openings of life itself.

Being taken by these ideas on translation, of course l had to startto think about painting as a way of translation too, being a visualanswer to a thought, a sentence that comes to mind.

Installation View, Artworks ©时索飞 Sophie Schagerl



Q: Can you talk about your current working method?

A: Usually the ideas for my paintings derive from sentenceshear or read that have a strong resonance with me. l note themdown so l won't forget them and then l return to these notes untisometimes, one of them leaves opens an image in my mind thatI want to paint. That's how l start to paint the scenes, with thismental image that l am looking for on the canvas. Usually, whatI can find on the canvas is not what l expected or imagined in thefirst place, there might be a big creative loss in translation.

Jialei rollt ein Geheimnis und will es in den Fluss werfen, 18 x 24cm, tempera, ink and oil on canvas 坦培拉, 布面油画, 墨水, 2024




也许我会附议将去年的一幅画作为里程碑。画完这幅画后,一些事情变得更容易了。它叫做“Fuori Addosso”,名字来源于一个误解或拼写错误。Fiori在意大利语中意为“花”,addosso意为“在(身体上)”,而 fuori 意为“外面”。

Q: What stages has your creation gone through, and which workscan be considered milestones for you?

A: That's a difficult question. Which painting is a personamilestone for me maybe only reveals itself after some time haspassed.With a certain distance, some aspects of a painting thathad been invisible at that time l painted it become clearer.l knowthat my painting has changed a lot in the last three years, but lwas not aware of the changes until very recently.

Maybe l would suggest one of last year's painting as a milestone.Something became easier after l painted this one. lt is called FuorAddosso, named after a misunderstanding or a spelling mistakethat caught my attention. "Fiori" means flowers in ltalian, "addosso" means "on (the body)", "fuori" means "outside".

Fuori Addosso, 50 x 60, oil on canvas 布面油画, 2023



Q: Your works in this exhibition seem to convey a sense of secrecy. Is this the feeling you want to convey?

A: l am not actively looking to transmit any feeling of secrecy. Butit is true that l was interested in ways of hiding during the timethat l spent in Beifing. l saw a lot of eyes and fences in Beiing andwanted to find ways to hide and peek in my paintings.

Coming back in Time, 110 x 135cm, tempera, ink and oil on canvas 坦培拉, 布面油画, 墨水, 2024



Q: In your works, the edges of the figures are blurred. ls thisuncertainty because you want to retain the possibility of differentnarrative constructions?

A: This sounds very nice, but fundamentally l think it has to withbeing indecisive and short-sighted. These blurred edges feel morenatural to me, l can get scared by edges that are too sharp. Also inother people's opinions, for example.

把旺夫痣吃掉, 110 x 135cm, oil on canvas 布面油画, 2024


A:展览的观众在画中看到的东西比我在画中看到的要重要得多。一些来参观 PIN 展览的人提出了一些我从未预料到的联想,部分原因是它们来自于非常不同的文化和地理环境。


Q:In the exhibition, do you think the audience's interpretationsand associations with your work are important?

A: What the visitors of the exhibition see in the paintings is muchmore important than what l see in them. Some of the people whocame to see the exhibition at PlN had associations that l coulcnever have expected, partly because of them being very specificto the cultural and geographical environment.

If l had shown these Beifing paintings in Vienna, responses wouldhave been so different. These paintings are shape-shifters, realised, Sometimes l even think that as the one who painted, cannot really see them.

Installation View, Artworks ©时索飞 Sophie Schagerl



Q: l am curious about the name of this exhibition. Can you talkabout its origin?

A: One of the first poems l tried to translate from Chinese had asimilar title, it was a counted fragment.So l chose the Chinese titleas a homage to this encounter.

Installation View, Artworks ©时索飞 Sophie Schagerl



Q: Who is your favorite artist recently?

A: At the moment l can't stop looking at Li Tang's pine trees. For me, this is a new discovery.




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