Q&A|刘川:不看待 不知道 看不懂 得问居委会












Liu Chuan




Liu Chuan, born in 1991 in Jilin, now lives in Yanjiao. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 2012 and the Department of Printmaking of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018.




Exhibition View






人脸画板反面 Mini Installation in Gallery




人脸画板正面 Mini Installation in Gallery






Q: Why are you obsessed with cartoons and comics? Is there any reason?

A: I don't think I'm obsessed with cartoons and comics; I haven't watched them for a while, but the trigger was when a 10-cent bookstore opened in the town during junior high school, the comics cost 10 cents a day, and they were all pirated bound copies, and then they became 20 cents, the poor man's entertainment, and I actually wanted Gameboy more.





Q: Different from the hard-edged matte painting of the cartoon generation, we notice that you have added the use of extensive painting language under the cartoon style in your works; why did you choose to do so?

A: The answer to this question is in the riddle. Hard-edged painting is great, but in a single piece, you need to add some so-called painting language to match a little bit more; after all, painting is quite tricky.




62 × 120 cm

布面油画 Oil painting on canvas





布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

50cm x 50cm




Who are you

木板丙烯 Acrylic on wood panel

18cm x 26cm 




A: 关于这两个题材,是没有别的题材的题材,画不出画很困惑所以就画画不出画很困惑的画。


Q: How did your passion for the subject of "painting" or "painter" come about?

A: Regarding these two subjects, there is no alternative subject matter, I can't paint, and I am confused, so I paint paintings of I cannot paint, and I am confused.


Q: 如何看待观念绘画与绘画中的观念性?

A: 不看待。


Q: How do you think about conceptual painting and conceptualism in painting?

A: I don't think about it.


Q: 幽默感在你的作品中扮演着什么样的角色?

A: 很在意也会努力想要拥有但最后不得的角色。


Q: What is the role of humor in your works?

A: A role that I care about a lot and try to have, but in the end, I can't.


Q: 我们在你的作品中看到了大量的意识形态批判,你是如何用绘画处理自己所面对的生存环境的?

A: 其实我没觉得我在批判,我只是需要,画完之后会好受一点,但是问题得不到解决。


Q: We see a lot of ideological criticism in your work; how do you use painting to deal with the environment you are facing?

A: Actually, I don't think I am criticizing; I just need it, I will feel better after painting, but the problem will not be solved.



拯救 Rescue

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

180cm x 290cm 





木板丙烯 Acrylic on wood panel

14.5cm x 20cm





守门员  Goalkeeper 

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

40cm x 50cm 





喀布尔航空  Kabul Airlines

布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas

120 × 80 cm




Q: 绘画是否可以作为一种真正的批判的武器?

A: 不知道,不理解什么是真正的。


Q: Can painting be used as a real critical weapon?

A: I don't know; I don't understand what is real.



A: 担心,我有好好的想过什么是插图,他可能只是文本的一点,有一种依附关系,也不存在误读的可能性,毕竟你可以去误读文本但不能跨过文本去直接误读他的附属品,处理方法可能是在出发点上不让作品成为一段叙述的片段,前后多一些空间吧,有趣的插图高于这个,毕竟有趣非常困难。


Q: Do you worry that your work will become a kind of " interesting illustration"? How do you deal with this problem?

A: Yes, I have thought a lot about what an illustration is. It could be just a little bit of the text, a kind of dependency, and there is no possibility of misreading it. After all, you can misread the text, but you can't cross it to directly misread its subsidiaries. The way to deal with it is probably to avoid letting the work become a fragment of a narrative at the starting point and having more space before and after. Interesting illustrations are above that; it's challenging to be interesting after all.



老年艺术家   Old Artist

纸本丙烯 Acrylic on paper

115cm x 173cm




马尔代夫  Maldives

布面丙烯  Acrylic on Canvas

40cm x 50cm




无题  Untitled

纸本水彩  Watercolor on paper

57cm x 76cm




悬崖婚礼  Wediing on Cliff

布面丙烯  Acrylic on Canvas

120cm x 80cm



Q: 流行文化成为作品中新的圣象,你如何看待这种趋势?

A: 这个问题我也看不懂。


Q: Pop culture has become a new icon in artworks; how do you see this trend?

A: I can't understand this question either.



A: 不知道,没思考过,这个得问居委会。


Q: How do you see the situation of painting in contemporary art?

A: I don't know. I haven't thought about it; I have to ask the neighborhood committee about this.



A: 我希望有影响,这样我玩游戏的时候就能说也是为了创作嘛,但实际上很困难,搞不好就会回到问题8上,当然如果当作素材用也可以,但这样游戏和别的东西没有区别,不需要划分。推荐黑暗之魂,没玩过的推荐血源。


Q: How do video games influence your creation? Recommend a few of your favorite game works.

A: I wish there was influence so that when I play games, I can say that I am also doing it to make art. But in reality, it's tough, and if I don't get it right, I'll be back to the problem above. Of course, it's okay if it's used as material, but then there's no difference between the game and anything else; no need to divide it. I recommend Dark Souls and Bloodborne.



钟表人 Clockman

布面丙烯  Acrylic on Canvas

150cm x 230cm




时间  Time

布面丙烯  Acrylic on Canvas 

145cm x 95cm





木板丙烯 Acrylic on wood panel

51.5cm x 73cm




榨汁机  Juicer

布面油画  Oil on Canvas

30cm x 35cm





布面油画 Oil on Canvas

50cm x 50cm




画家   Painter 

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

105cm x 145cm




取暖  Warmth

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180cm x 120cm



艺术家粘土作品 Clay works by LC



背叛   Betray

粘土 丙烯 Arclic on Clay



画家   Painter

粘土 丙烯 Arclic on Clay



沮丧的画架   Depressed Easel

粘土 丙烯 Arclic on Clay



踢足球  Soccer

粘土 丙烯 Arclic on Clay





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