马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland, 森林之框 Forest Frame

布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 116.8×101.6cm, 2021







马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland

眼触石,石触天 Eye Touches Stone, Stone Touches Sky

布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 153×122.4cm, 2023





马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland, 景色 Vista

布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 142.2x127cm, 2023


Martin Golland’s painting offer a meeting point between a built environment and the natural world. He seeks to open up a space between living forms and their contexts where painting begins to acquire a life of its own, at a distance from logic, reason, and coherence. Here, the material presence of paint’s sensuality, unruliness, and affective potential overtake the image and its efficacy, embodying forces at the edge of the visible.


Though they begin in representation, this recent work is an accumulation of selected fragments, collaged juxtapositions, and non-reconciled contrasts that contaminate its presumptions. Attending to unexpected disjunction and the incomplete, Martin Golland attempt to trouble fixed dualities of chaos and order, surface and substance, to inhabit an interior geography. Unfolding and revealing themselves in constant interrelationship, His subjects are ever-changing, as the contexts of their materialization bend expected meanings.



马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland, 鸟群盘旋 Murmurations

布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 139.7x132cm, 2017


Martin Golland’s open-ended and non-linear process of making does not adhere to naturalism or attempt to reduce the world to elemental essences. Neither landscapes nor abstractions proper, these works rely on making an imaginary space of recollection and dream, of anticipation and loss, of nostalgia and forgetfulness that welcomes the unknowable. 





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